Directions and thoughts for 2020

We are working on a number of projects now, amongst them a serious cleaning and detrashing the lower shop/welding area.  I have been remiss in maintaining cleanliness.  What a lot of dust and grindings!
Another area is the reworking of the exhaust side of the valvetrain for Sam Wills’ Top Fueler. This a collaborative effort between Sam, Mitch Brown, George Bryce, Rick Grindstaff and myself. I am having to exercise some restraint here because is it Sam’s deal, but it is a serious amount of research to develop a materials change to allow the return to the bigger mile an hour we enjoyed two years ago. We just touched 240 mph at Valdosta in November for the first time in almost two years, but still suffered exhaust valve issues.
A rework of the engine case program of the Blown Nitro Ducati has been eating a lot of time and welding. Trying to see if we can keep the top end on the bike for a full hard pass is still the goal.  The billet cases in design will be a part of the project soon. A little less compression and fuel percentage may be the trick. We are looking for a 140 lb. nitro rider, if you know anyone out there?
The 750 Hooligan project is underway with a launch at the Flat Out Friday in Milwaukee in March 2020 as the target. Returning to flat track racing after a 40 year absence will be yet another challenge.  Having been told it can’t be done just adds a bit more motivation.  A lot of work ahead!
Well, we will try to get a more current and regular format for the website. My family has agreed to help because I am pathetic at this digital format and they have graciously agreed to try and keep me from doing a mischief to myself in the cloud.

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